Tmux - Terminal multiplexer

tmux is a terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows you to run multiple terminal sessions in a single window, split the terminal into panes, and detach and reattach sessions, providing a flexible and efficient way to manage terminal tasks and sessions

SessionTerminalCommand key
Createtmux new -s session_name
Detachctrl + b then press d
AttachTmux a -t session_name# -t Target
Listtmux ls
RenameTmux rename-session -t old_s_name new_s_namectrl + b then press $
KillTmux kill-session -t session_name or index_number
Switch b/w sessionctrl + b then press s
Createctrl + b then press c
Renamectrl + b then press ,
Switch b/w windowctrl + b then index_number
Deletectrl + b then press &
Panessplit right/leftctrl + b then press %
split top/bottomctrl + b then press "
Switch b/w panectrl + b then press ⬆️/ ➡️/ ⬅️/⬇️
Kill panectrl + b then press x / or type exit